About Istrialux

IstriaLux is an agency made up of people with vast experience in the field of tourism and great love for their region, which we want to present in an interesting and authentic way to our guests, and in the future to friends. Each trip is motivated by a desire for a unique experience, and we enjoy it most when we meet the expectations of our guests. The name IstriaLux is coined through two words, Istria-the region we love, and Lux (light and luxury), with the word “luxury” not being something materially expensive, but a “luxury” experience.

In order to provide a unique experience, for our guests we choose only the best that Istria has to offer, top facilities and excellent hosts, the best local offer and attractions, everything we enjoy. We especially love the “hidden gems” and personal approach that only local people can provide.

The experience of a destination in this way, by connecting the host and the guest, where the experience comes from getting to know the area you are traveling to is what fulfills both sides, and we are sure that this is the foundation of sustainable tourism. Behind each of our houses and hosts, recommended facilities and attractions, we personally stand and guarantee top quality with our signature.

Come as guests and meet us, we are sure you will return as dear friends.

Feel free to contact us

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